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Sunday, April 18, 2010

1 Week Until Teacher Training Graduation!

The big day is a week from today. April 25 at 11:30 I'll be working as a group with 3 of my friends to teach a free public vinyasa class. We're ready!

In my class at work I've been focusing on teaching with minimal demonstration. Last week went really well. I was able to observe them more closely and correct their alignment, which they appreciated. I'm really enjoying this stage I'm in as a yoga teacher. Every class I teach is my best class ever as I continue to get better.

My biggest challenge is talking louder. That's really hard for me. I hate to feel like I'm yelling, but projecting my voice so that a whole room can hear me is not yelling. The room we're doing our free public class in is HUGE. I'm going to have to make sure people can hear me.

Since 4 of us are teaching the class, we've divided it into 4 sections. During each section, someone will be teaching, someone will demonstrate the full pose, someone will demonstrate a modification, and someone will be walking around helping people. I feel like that's a great way to take advantage of such a large team of teachers.

I'll be teaching the first part of the class, explaining that it's a modified version of the Ashtanga Primary Series, teaching the bandhas, and explaining our theme of ahimsa with emphasis on David Williams, "If it hurts, you are doing it wrong." Then I'll teach Surya Namaskara A and B, and Padangustasana and Padahastana. After that my job is not over. :-) I'll walk around during the standing poses correcting people, and smoothly slip in to demonstrate Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana (since I can bind it), then I'll demonstrate modifications for the seated poses. Beginning at Baddha Konasana, I'll demonstrate the full poses.

And now, I'm on my way to Yoga Shala for a workshop on Bhujapidasana-Kukkutasana.

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