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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

No More WoW

WoW used to be a big part of my life. I was an officer always there 3 times a week doing everything I could to help the guild succeed. I always had a bag full of flasks and jokingly acted insulted if people asked IF I had any flasks to share. Of course I do. Since January 2009, I always did. I took a night off here and there when I had something else to do.

Eventually as raid time approached, I'd look at the clock with dread, like I have to get ready to go to work. Wait, this isn't work; this is a game. I had a lot of good times playing, but Brad and I got bored of it together. I could have kept playing out of habit and for the social aspect of it. Then again, it's more fun to be social with people who live near you (of course it IS possible to do both).

A month ago today I decided to stop paying the monthly fee. I dabbled in Champions Online a little and it was fun, but I didn't really get into it. I liked that I could pick it up and put it down as I pleased and not worry about what day/time I needed to be on, and that I don't have to wait until 10:00 for the raid to end so I could log off.

Life without WoW is strange. Brad and I began playing together before we got married 4 years ago. We've been watching a lot of Deep Space 9 as I started watching Star Trek everything from the beginning last year after I saw the movie. I'd like to find something more interactive for us to do together, but until then there's plenty more Star Trek to watch after we finish DS9.

We might get back into WoW later this year when the 3rd expansion comes out, but we'll see. We're not going to take off of work and get the midnight release like when the last expansion came out, but we might buy it and try it.

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